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Qigong and Daoist Coaching have made an incredible impact on my life. I hope that by sharing these practices, my students and clients will also experience the value and benefit of living a life in newfound technicolor. However, we're all unique and different practices resonate with some people more than others. See below for disclaimer statements regarding both Qigong and Daoist Coaching sessions.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 

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When practicing a Qigong routine in-person, via zoom, or while viewing a recording, please take all due care for your health, safety and surroundings. Make adjustments in the practice to take care of yourself. Also make sure your practice space is safe around you and underfoot. You agree to take full responsibility for yourself, others and your environment when doing these practices.

I understand that the program may involve physical, mental, intellectual, and emotional activity, including exercises that may tax my physical, intellectual, mental and emotional capacity. I understand and acknowledge that my participation in the program and in every separate part of it is purely voluntary and that at all times I will be free to choose NOT to participate in any part or all of the event. I acknowledge my responsibility for exercising my own judgment and initiative in choosing what parts of the event I will participate in. I acknowledge that my choices and my actions may pose a risk of injury to myself or others. By this consent I knowingly and voluntarily assume the risk of injury either to myself or caused to others by me in the program. I release Josh Liebling and any of her companies from any and all liability for injuries to myself. I agree to hold harmless Josh Liebling and any of her companies from any and all liability for injuries to myself and for any injury to others caused by me.

Qigong is not a substitute for medical care, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Daoist Coaching is not used to treat people with severe cases of depression, anxiety, or addiction, or
people who have thoughts of suicide. Notwithstanding my commitment with respect to
the coaching process, I do not guarantee that you will achieve any particular results or realize any particular goals during, or as a result of, the coaching process.

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